If someone asks you what is the superfood in India, you can easily say Amla. It is an amazing food that is full of Vitamin C. You can say it is the store house of antioxidants beneficial for the body. This is the most inexpensive superfood that offers better health and a lot of benefits.
But the taste of raw amla is quite bitter with extream sourness, but instead of that, you can choose the natural amla candy. It is quite good and even easy to digest as well. There are multiple reasons why you should include amla in your diet.
First of all this fruit can give a boost your immunity, thanks to vitamin C in it. On the contrary, this juicy fruit can help you to fight cold, help you to have good skin and hair and also offer relied from pain. If you want to add amla but you don't like the taste of it, you can choose honey amla candy. It is an amazing way to include amla in your diet. It is true that the taste of amla is very unplesantful and that is the reasons many people avoid this. Although, the taste of amla candy is very is amazing especially if it is honey coated. If you one eat amla candy on a daily basis, you can see the benefits gradually.
Amla is also known as the Indian goose berry, which has been very popular for many years in Ayurveda. As it is full of vitamin C, is very good for stubborn belly fat. Amla not only helps to fight the toxins from the body, it also helps in reducing the inflammation and boosing metabolism. A healthy metabolism is a very important thing when comes to losing weight.
Also it is rich in fiber and it is known top all that fiber is very essential for weight loss journey. It helps to keep you full for a longer time and eating rich fiber-food can prevent and treat constipation.
Here at Namaste Chai Store you can find chatpata amla candy along with other flavors as well. You can buy more other products from them. Visit their website to know more.